Improving Organizational Agility Through Mobile Technology

Larger and more established businesses often struggle more when it comes to making changes that will allow them to be more agile and also more efficient. This is because they have more organizational complications, and leadership may be more resistant to change. There can also be the idea that if something isn’t broken, don’t fix it.

However, even large and successful companies need to be agile, efficient and ultimately dynamic in order to remain competitive. Technology and in particular, mobile apps, can pave the way for these objectives.

For example, if a business implements an invoice automation software platform with mobile capabilities, it improves agility because the business is protected against accounts payable challenges such as errors and fraud. There is also improved efficiency because outdated means of doing things are replaced with software and mobile technology.

There are differences in agility and efficiency, but the two often go hand-in-hand, so they can be worth discussing together. Agility refers to the ability of a business to change as necessary in response to outside forces, and to withstand stress, while efficiency is about using resources in the best ways possible.

The following are some specific things to know about improving organizational agility through the use of technology, and especially mobile technology.


One of the most important things an agile and also an efficient business does well, even if it’s massive with a global presence, is make sure communication is easy and streamlined. Employees at all levels and in any location need full access to relevant business information within a matter of seconds.

Mobile apps can be used to facilitate this communication. Mobile apps can be used for everything from issuing corporate news to employees all around the world, to gathering information and feedback from employees.

Information disseminated through mobile apps is also available in real-time, which is so valuable in terms of agility and efficiency, with no lag times slowing down the operational flow of communication.

Reducing Overhead Expenses

Mobile apps can go a long way in reducing overhead costs which is again, important for agility and efficiency. With mobile apps, there’s the ability to save on all of those unnecessary expenses that less modern businesses might still be spending on.

There’s also a reduced need to pay for additional storage space and supplies. The idea is that you can cut all of those elements out with mobile technology, and be more strategic in spending.


The idea of visibility relates to agility as well as efficiency, and in some ways, it also relates to the idea of improved communication but stands on its own as an important objective as well.

Mobile apps create visibility into every process of a business, and that visibility can be accessed quickly and easily.

For example, mobile apps work well for manufacturing businesses that want to be more efficient because they show what’s happening in every step of the process including inventory levels, order management, and daily activity.

Finally, in the general sense, mobile apps can cut out those very expensive and time-consuming errors that don’t have to happen.

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