Latest News On Blockchain

A digitized ledger which we cannot change after recording and verifying the transaction is a Blockchain. The transaction’s parties prolong the copy of the ledger which makes it impossible to modify every copy of the ledger extensively to forgery the transaction.

Blockchain Based Art Registry Obtains Database with Info from 4K Auction Houses

According to the jargon from Artory on March 21, the blockchain art registry has received auction house database Auction club which is a subscription-only database and contains information related to the sale from more than thousands of Auction Houses. The move is lean to make an Auction club’s sales data which is gathered from 250 business in 40 countries according to The Art Newspaper, the media outlet. The report affirms that the data will be accessible in Artroy’s registry which will get initiated in May.

Nanne Dekking, the Artory’s CEO who was previously the Vice Chairman of Sotheby’s New York has stated that We Cannot Allow Obtaining Millions of Data Quickly that we can Grasp for the Betterment of our Products. Christie’s announced a pilot scheme with Artroy in October 2018 to make the use of blockchain for auction data. To provide details and certificates to the buyers for their purchases, the partnership was proposed using the technology. The State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, Russia which is one of the most famous Art Galleries has launched the blockchain-based project- My Tretyakov which let an individual and enterprises make private donations reported by Cointelegraph. You can know more about the same on

Russian State Duma Defers Consideration of Bill on Digital Financial Assets

The local media outlet Tass has reported on March 20 that Dum has postponed the consideration of the bill on financial assets to April 2019. Russia’s parliament adopted it in the second reading earlier in March and was focused to prepare national cryptocurrency legislation. Vyacheslav Volodin is the Chairman of Duma and coauthor of the draft bill who emphasized that the changes were adopted on Bill to fasten the difficulties on the concept of digital rights.

The wording of the bill which is prepared for the second reading doesn’t include the definition of the cryptocurrencies, tokens, and smart contract. The definition of digital financial assets states that digital rights represents the assets which include liabilities and monetary claims and rights to transfer the equity shares. The head of the council and chairman of the Duma committee on state building, Pavel Krasheninnikov stated that as the bill needs to be changed dramatically so it is pushed back to the first reading stage. Russia parliament has recently voted to ratify new digital rights legislation in the coming October.


So, guys, these are the two latest new on Blockchain. Read them and get updated. Thank You.

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