Tinder Tips and Tricks

  1. Tinder is not just a casual dating app

According to the book called “Tinder for Experts,” people describe Tinder as an app for one-night meetings. But this is a mistake: there are lots of different people who seem to enjoy the service. In fact, people you meet in Tinder are not much different from people you would meet, for example, in a bar.

“Understand that getting the attention of another person that you really like in Tinder is much more difficult than to do so in a bar…”

Imagine: you need to convince someone who has never seen you in real life to spend time with you face to face. And yes, do not forget that another person has to prefer you to all the other potential partners that they may have, both IRL and on Tinder.

But there is some good news: according to the law of large numbers, you will achieve much more success in Tinder than in a bar. In addition, there are various tips with which you can increase your chances of success.

  1. Set the optimal search filters

Do not rush to immediately look for a partner that is thousands of miles away from you. Start small and increase your search range gradually. So you prioritize and increase your chances of success.

  1. Upload a high-quality photo for your profile

Here are the most important pieces of advice you should remember:

Do not post a photo:

  • If it shows only your face;
  • If you are standing somewhere far away;
  • You are out of focus;
  • You look too serious;
  • You are hugging or kissing another person;
  • If a photo is blurred. Blurred photos are a no-no;
  • Tinted photos, as well as photos in which you are wearing glasses. Black and white photographs are not welcome as well.

Do this instead:

  • You should be alone in a picture. The absence of strangers in a photo ensures that a person will not be distracted by someone else.
  • You should be looking into the camera.
  • Smile and be natural; be sincere.
  • It is not forbidden to use various photo editors to correct minor imperfections that you may have, such as acne or small scars. But do not overdo it: you, of course, should be the best version of yourself but try to make sure that a stranger, when looking at your photo in Tinder, would be later to recognize you in real life later on.
  • Attach some meaning to a photo; let it tell you something about yourself. Show that you are a stylish person, show that you travel a lot, or demonstrate your excellent physical shape.
  1. Swipe instead of using buttons

Swiping takes less time. In “Tinder for Experts,” all the advantages and disadvantages of this method were analyzed. But despite the fact that the use of swipe is preferable, this method has its own disadvantages. We spend less time studying a user’s photo, and we can press “Like” or “Dislike” purely intuitively, without thinking at all, and miss a person who deserves our attention.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that eventually, every relationship will lead to a date, and real life is different from Tinder. Be sure to check out this article about how to break the touch barrier to feel more comfortable on a date.

  1. Do not go to Tinder too often

Of course, you can view photos and press “Likes” at any time of the day or night. Nevertheless, it is best to do it in your free time, for example, when you are waiting for something or someone. Or, let’s say when you just cannot find a more useful way of spending time.

If you combine communication in Tinder with some important matters, then you will not pay any attention to your activity in the application.

Despite the fact that Tinder does not take much of your time, do not let it interfere in the course of your daily life. Do not sit there for hours but check in once every one or two days.

Such time intervals are also good because they will allow the application to select the most active users for you. In addition, some people can view the time you last visited Tinder. And when you notice that a person enters the application every five minutes, thoughts “Don’t they have nothing else to do?” or “What is wrong with them?” start popping into your head.

Give a person some time and do not bomb them with likes and attention but wait until they get a bit more used to you. This way, you won’t come off as being clingy or annoying.

  1. Don’t be too picky

Let’s be honest: Tinder is made for normal people, regular folk who you can meet on the street. It is quite unlikely to meet a person of model-level appearance there. In addition, people tend to exaggerate their appearance, forgetting that they themselves are also far from perfection.

So do not be too picky, but if you can’t help yourself but feel entitled to perfection, create your own scale of beauty and rate people that you meet; this way it will be easier for you to sort all of the people that you’ve met.

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