How to make money online – A simple guide for 2020

Want to earn a little bit more cash on the side in order to afford some treats for yourself on top of your regular monthly wage? Already earning a decent amount, but want to make sure that your time is spent productively? For the opportunists among us, here’s a shortlist of ways to make money online. Hopefully, there’s one in there that you haven’t heard of before!

Offer out your services as a freelancer

The freelancing ‘gig economy’ has exploded in recent years, and there are millions of people completing jobs online in order to earn an additional source of income on top of their normal jobs. Some have ditched the traditional office life entirely, and are used to working from home and to the tune of their own whistle, making ends meet on their own terms.

If you have a certain skill or talent that you use already in your every day, such as graphic design, for example, the easiest thing to do is to set yourself up on a freelancing website such as Fiverr, UpWork, or Freelancer. Present some of the previous work that you’ve done to show potential clients that you have the skills to, quite literally, pay the bills, and be sure to keep copies of your new stuff, too, so that you’ve got a growing backlog as you develop.

Learn about investment and put your money back to work for you

If you have a comfortable amount of money already and are thinking of ways to diversify your financial portfolio and build it up into something greater, the investment can be a great way of sustaining another long-term, secure income stream. That’s if it’s done correctly, of course, as there are risks involved, but there is a ton of information out there on different markets at the moment.

As a prime example, aside from the likes of online trading which can be done automatically or even passively through an app if you’re someone that likes to take a hands-off approach, property investment is something that you can easily learn about and get into from the comfort of your own home. RWinvest is one of the many offering a range of free guides and videos with informative looks at growing areas and tips on how to find what’s best for you. They even have a podcast series that you can listen to while doing something else if you just want to absorb information.

Create your own online store

It’s never been easier to create and facilitate a growing online business, and if you’re still in lockdown with some more time on your hands, now is the perfect time to set up and start running that idea that you have, if you have one. It’s never been easier with online web page tools like Shopify, and if you’re worried about inventory, you can even manage that remotely, so as to not clog up your home with products, instead of selling them on an on-demand basis.

If you don’t want to go to the hassle of creating a full online store, you could create a page on a site like Etsy, for example, which is dedicated to crafts and alike, or even simply flog some of your old things on sites like eBay, Gumtree and Depop. If you have a growing wardrobe, many have made small fortunes out of buying and selling used clothes on Depop, and many styles are constantly coming back into trend, so you might have a goldmine sitting at the back of a drawer somewhere. Probably not, but it’s worth a check!

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